Reflections of 2015

by Nate T on April 01, 2016

While we are still in the year 2016 (as opposed to 2017), WoodForSheep looks back on the recently passed 2015. Our usual disclaimer: the opinions shared by Steve may be slightly exaggerated more than intended (but just slightly).

[WoodForSheep]: Favourite game you learned in 2015
Steve Jay Nate
I'd go with Celestia. A family friendly, fun push-your-luck game that's easy to teach and play. The artwork is gorgeous and the airship is pretty unique, adding that immersive quality to the game. Not that I'm an expert at it, but would say that Ladies & Gentlemen was pretty fun. It can accommodate up to 10 players, and its fun getting to 'spend' someone else's money. While there are no ground breaking ideas or mechanics introduced, Argent is still a fun game, using well known concepts and details. With its modular set-up, replayability is high and, with each different layout, a unique experience.
[WoodForSheep]: A game everyone may have overlooked:
Steve Jay Nate
Could use a more family-friendly theme, and certainly a unique name, but as a game, The Game hits the right notes. Even with simple, straight forward rule set, its still a fun and challenging experience, in a small, compact... game. Noir captures the anxiety of the chase, and being chased. It may not be everyone's cup of tea since it is a bit of a brain burner, but this game of deduction, and bluffing, and hunting, is simply a lot of fun. I think I played a lot of 'worker placement' games in 2015, so no surprise, my dark horse game is Code of Nine. It's relatively quick, but challenges you to make the most out of your decisions since there are limited rounds and moves before the game ends.
[WoodForSheep]: Something (WoodForSheep related) that happened in 2015 that was pretty cool?
Steve Jay Nate
Being invited to and attending CastleCon was a fun highlight of 2015, even while watching the Blue Jays bow out of the playoffs. Its always our pleasure to meet and service various gaming communities, and this was no exception. We've established a good reputation with our current contacts, but its still a pleasant surprise when we get a request out of the blue, to help a contact build a gaming community. Now, we're headed to a few local malls in 2016, to do just that! Guess our reputation precedes us, in a good way. Getting this guy on board (points to Jay), even after we told him all our trade secrets. Welcome aboard, minion!... Uh, i mean, partner!
[WoodForSheep]: WoodForSheep just passed the 5 year mark, what's in store for the next 5?... Or maybe at least this coming year...
Steve Jay Nate
We've certainly teased it a few times already, and maybe I'm sounding like a broken record, but hopefully a space of our own, and not of the pop-up variety. A functional base of operations, less driving around to do deliveries, and less chance of getting booted out in the middle of a game. Continue to build WoodForSheep as a name that has a positive influence, community-building focus. I still probably have to get up-to-speed, but would love to see more opportunities to introduce these fun games to new 'gamers' and build gaming communities in and around the GTA. Unfortunately, I think we stalled a bit this past year due to some projects and plans not panning out as we hoped, but at the same time, as doors closed, new opportunities presented themselves. Hopefully, some of our plans for more online/digital content come to fruition this year.



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