Tok N Ewes

Look, pretty. :)

Now that we have a better coat of paint on this, we hope to do a better go this time around of keeping people in the loop of what's up with WoodForSheep. As always, you can also track our events (be they one-offs, weekly, monthly) over on our events page.

Cornerstone Tabletop Day

Meet the community. Play games. Help families.

Join us on Saturday, April 30, 2016 for Cornerstone TableTop Day! This family-friendly celebration event features some of the best in tabletop gaming! More details here

Gaming at Woodside Squre

All gamers are invited to stop by Woodside Square on Saturday, April 16, 2016, and enjoy the excitement of a new or favourite board game at our entertaining launch party.Swing by to play games. All ages are welcome! More details here

We'll also be hosting Game Nights at Woodside every Wednesday night from April 20 to May 11. More details here

Reflections of 2015

While we are still in the year 2016 (as opposed to 2017), WoodForSheep looks back on the recently passed 2015. Our usual disclaimer: the opinions shared by Steve may be slightly exaggerated more than intended (but just slightly). More details here

And if you manage to read this far down, here's a discount code! Use REFL2015 to get 10% off in-stock games WoodForSheep has recommended or suggested (not just from 2015, but even prior). Code is good until Sunday, April 17, 2016.

Anime North 2016

WoodForSheep is headed back to Anime North, from May 27 to May 29, 2016. This year, on top of our great demo library that we bring for participants to try, we are also running "Play to Win" demo sessions, raffling off a few more games, and we'll be hosting a Catan tournament at the convention! More details here

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Games in: 5E Compatible | Abstract | Adventure | Adventure Book | Adventure Path | AI Player | Aliens | American West | Analysis | Animals | Anime | Area Control | Arkham Horror | Arkham Horror LCG | Army Building | Art | Asmodee | Assembly Required | Auction | Bag | Balance | Batteries Required | Battletech | Bidding | Big Eyes Small Mouth | Big Group | Binder | Blind Booster | Bluffing | Bones | Booster Display | Bundle | Business Building | Campaign | Canadian Content | Carcassonne | Case | Catan | Cats | Child Appropriate | Circus | City Building | Coins | Colonization | Combat | Communication | Compilation | Cooperative | Cooperative Mode | Cosmic Horror | Crime | Critical Role | D&D RPG | DC Comics DBG | Deck Box | Deck Construction | Deck Construction Variant | Deduction | Design | Dexterity | Dice | Dice Mechanic | Dice Tower | Digital App Support | Dinosaurs | Disney | Dominion | Draft | Dragon Ball Super | Dragons | Drawing | Drill | Dungeon Crawling | Economic | Effects | Egypt | Empire Building | Encounter | Environmental | Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards | Escape Room Variant | Expansion | Exploration | Fairy Tale | Fantasy | Fantasy Flight Games | Farming | Fast Forward | Feudal Japan | Figures | Figurine | Files | Fishing | Flesh and Blood | Foil Cards | Food | French Version | Game Box | Game Mat | Gateway Game | Genesys | Ghosts | Gift Certificate | Glue | Graphic Novel Adventure | Graveyard | Grid Movement | Haba | Halloween | Hidden Movement | History | Horror | Humour | In-game Twist | Industrial Age | Infinity | Investigation | Kennerspiel des Jahres Nominee | Kennerspiel des Jahres Winner | Keyforge | Kinderspiel des Jahres Nominee | Kinderspiel des Jahres Winner | Knife | Laser | Legacy | Legend of the Five Rings | Light Role Playing | Line of Sight | Logic Puzzle | Logistics | Lorcana | Lord of the Rings | Mafia Variant | Mage Wars | Magic Planeswalker Deck | Magic the Gathering | Magnets | Map | Maps | Marbles | Markers | Marvel Champions LCG | Marvel Legendary | Matching | Math | Mature | Mayfair Games | Maze | Measuring | Medical | Meeples | Memory | Millenium Series | Miniature | Miniature Basing | Modern | Modular Board | MTG | Munchkin | Mystery | Mystery Dinner | Mythology | Negotiation | Network Building | Ninja | Novel | Organizer | Paint Brush | Paint Set | Paints | Pandemic | Parody | Party | Pathfinder | Pattern Building | Pattern Recognition | Penguins | Pirates | Plants | Plush Toy | Pokemon Theme Deck | Politics | Pre-Painted | Prehistoric | Press Your Luck | Primer | Props | Puzzle | Race | Racing | Reaction | Real-time | Replacement Accessory | Resource Management | Retro | Rio Grande Games | Robots | Role/Phase Selection | Roleplaying | Roll and Write Variant | Satire | Scenarios | Sci-fi | Sculpting | Seasonal | Set Collection | Sharks | Sherlock Holmes | Simplified Progamming | Simultaneous Action | Sleeves | Solo Mode | SOTM | Sourcebook | Space | Spatial Recognition | Speculation | Spiel des Jahres Nominee | Spiel des Jahres Winner | Spies | Spin-off | Sport | Star Wars | Star Wars Armada | Starter Deck | Starter Set | Steampunk | Stickers | Storage | Story Telling | Strap | Structures | Superheroes | Supplement | Survival | Tabletop | Tactile | Tales & Games | Team Play | Terrain | Ticket to Ride | Tiles | Time/Turn Limit | Tokens | Trading | Trains | Traitor | Tray | Trick Taking | Trivia | Tropical | Tube | Turn Tracker | Tweezers | Unlock | Unmatched | Vampires | Variable Player Abilities | Vikings | Villains | Vocabulary | Voting | VR Glasses | War | Weiss Schwarz | WoodForSheep Reflections | Word | X-Wing | Z-man Games | Zombies