Math Trade - February 2024

by Nate T on January 23, 2024

WoodForSheep will be hosting a No-Ship Math Trade on Sunday, February 11, 2024, at the Markham Game Centre.

All the details here.

Quick Summary

To participate, you will need

Key dates & times:

  • Submissions Deadline: Monday, February 5, 2024, 10:00pm
  • Want Lists Deadline: Thursday, February 8, 10:00pm
  • Results: Will be posted ASAP after the Want List Deadline.
  • Drop-off*: Sunday, February 11, 2024 from 2:00PM to 3:00PM
  • Pick-up*: Sunday, February 11, 2024 from 3:30PM to 4:30PM

*Due to current conditions, Trade Day drop-off/pick-up must be scheduled. Find a drop-off/pick-up slot here. Drop-off/pick-up outside this window is ok, during WoodForSheep current operating hours.

NEW - Consignment Event

WoodForSheep will expand and make available their consignment shelves on the exchange date. Participants are welcome to bring any untraded games to place on consignment; limit of 3 items per participant. Shelving fee will be waived. Standard consignment fee will be applied for sold items: 15% if payout is in cash, 10% if payout is in store credit.

What is a Math Trade?

Math Trades provide gamers with a way to trade away unwanted games for other players' unwanted games. All participants submit their list of games available for trade, and which titles they're willing to received in return (for each submitted game).

How does it work?

Ummm... This is where it can get complicated to explain. So let's use an example.

Miss Heart owns Game Green that just doesn't get played as much anymore. She puts it up for trade. Mr. Square has Game Orange that's also up for trade, that Miss Heart is interested in. Unfortunately, Mr. Square is not too keen on Game Green. In this case, no trade would occur.

But, what if Miss Heart can exchange Game Green into a game that Mr. Square would trade for? Like Miss Diamond's Game Gray. Miss Diamond isn't big into Game Green either, but would be interested in Mr. Circle's Game Yellow. Mr. Circle is interested in Game Green, and is willing to trade Game Yellow to Miss Heart for Game Green.

Miss Heart then swaps games with Miss Diamond (so she's now in possession of Game Gray), and now can go to Mr. Square for the Game Orange she really wants.

Now, take that above example, increased to multiple more opportunities and possibilities, and let a computer figure that all out... and that's a Math Trade.

Ok, I think I get it. So now what?

With your boardgamegeek account, you can put together a list of games you own, and are willing to part with. This will be open to everyone up until the "Submission deadline" (see Quick Summary).

Once the "Submission deadline" passes, everyone can see all the games that are available for trade, and you can then submit a "want list" for your games (ex. Game Green, which you own, for Game Orange). It's also possible that there are no games you're willing to take back, for a game you own, in which case you would submit a blank "want list".

After the "Want Lists Deadline" passes, we let the computer crunch the numbers and see what trades do occur. You'll be informed of the games you need to submit, and which ones you'll be receiving. Then its a matter of dropping by the Game Centre to say good bye to old games, and bringing home new titles.

Games in: 5E Compatible | Abstract | Adventure | Adventure Book | Adventure Path | AI Player | Aliens | American West | Analysis | Animals | Anime | Area Control | Arkham Horror | Arkham Horror LCG | Army Building | Art | Asmodee | Assembly Required | Auction | Bag | Balance | Batteries Required | Battletech | Bidding | Big Eyes Small Mouth | Big Group | Binder | Blind Booster | Bluffing | Bones | Booster Display | Bundle | Business Building | Campaign | Canadian Content | Carcassonne | Case | Catan | Cats | Child Appropriate | Circus | City Building | Coins | Colonization | Combat | Communication | Compilation | Cooperative | Cooperative Mode | Cosmic Horror | Crime | Critical Role | D&D RPG | DC Comics DBG | Deck Box | Deck Construction | Deck Construction Variant | Deduction | Design | Dexterity | Dice | Dice Mechanic | Dice Tower | Digital App Support | Dinosaurs | Disney | Dominion | Draft | Dragon Ball Super | Dragons | Drawing | Drill | Dungeon Crawling | Economic | Effects | Egypt | Empire Building | Encounter | Environmental | Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards | Escape Room Variant | Expansion | Exploration | Fairy Tale | Fantasy | Fantasy Flight Games | Farming | Fast Forward | Feudal Japan | Figures | Figurine | Files | Fishing | Flesh and Blood | Foil Cards | Food | French Version | Game Box | Game Mat | Gateway Game | Genesys | Ghosts | Gift Certificate | Glue | Graphic Novel Adventure | Graveyard | Grid Movement | Haba | Halloween | Hidden Movement | History | Horror | Humour | In-game Twist | Industrial Age | Infinity | Investigation | Kennerspiel des Jahres Nominee | Kennerspiel des Jahres Winner | Keyforge | Kinderspiel des Jahres Nominee | Kinderspiel des Jahres Winner | Knife | Laser | Legacy | Legend of the Five Rings | Light Role Playing | Line of Sight | Logic Puzzle | Logistics | Lorcana | Lord of the Rings | Mafia Variant | Mage Wars | Magic Planeswalker Deck | Magic the Gathering | Magnets | Map | Maps | Marbles | Markers | Marvel Champions LCG | Marvel Legendary | Matching | Math | Mature | Mayfair Games | Maze | Measuring | Medical | Meeples | Memory | Millenium Series | Miniature | Miniature Basing | Modern | Modular Board | MTG | Munchkin | Mystery | Mystery Dinner | Mythology | Negotiation | Network Building | Ninja | Novel | Organizer | Paint Brush | Paint Set | Paints | Pandemic | Parody | Party | Pathfinder | Pattern Building | Pattern Recognition | Penguins | Pirates | Plants | Plush Toy | Pokemon Theme Deck | Politics | Pre-Painted | Prehistoric | Press Your Luck | Primer | Props | Puzzle | Race | Racing | Reaction | Real-time | Replacement Accessory | Resource Management | Retro | Rio Grande Games | Robots | Role/Phase Selection | Roleplaying | Roll and Write Variant | Satire | Scenarios | Sci-fi | Sculpting | Seasonal | Set Collection | Sharks | Sherlock Holmes | Simplified Progamming | Simultaneous Action | Sleeves | Solo Mode | SOTM | Sourcebook | Space | Spatial Recognition | Speculation | Spiel des Jahres Nominee | Spiel des Jahres Winner | Spies | Spin-off | Sport | Star Wars | Star Wars Armada | Starter Deck | Starter Set | Steampunk | Stickers | Storage | Story Telling | Strap | Structures | Superheroes | Supplement | Survival | Tabletop | Tactile | Tales & Games | Team Play | Terrain | Ticket to Ride | Tiles | Time/Turn Limit | Tokens | Trading | Trains | Traitor | Tray | Trick Taking | Trivia | Tropical | Tube | Turn Tracker | Tweezers | Unlock | Unmatched | Vampires | Variable Player Abilities | Vikings | Villains | Vocabulary | Voting | VR Glasses | War | Weiss Schwarz | WoodForSheep Reflections | Word | X-Wing | Z-man Games | Zombies